ONS Innovation Award: “Winning meant everything”

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For a small company with grand visions, winning a prize like we did at ONS 2022 means everything. It confirms that we are on the right path both scientifically and timely. We are still very proud of ourselves and the jury that chose our technology, says Director Helene Ruden of Ruden AS.

In a breakthrough that secured them the ONS Innovation Award in 2022, Ruden AS introduced their HEAT-technology, a revolutionary solution addressing the colossal amounts of wasted heat from industries.

Ruden AS's HEAT-technology captures and stores wasted industrial heat in the bedrock beneath plants, turning it into a valuable resource. This process not only saves costs but also reduces strain on the electrical grid and cuts down CO2 emissions.

Since the ONS Innovation Award win, Ruden AS has achieved significant milestones:

- Completed subsurface development of the HEAT pilot in Tromsø: A tangible step towards proving the technology's efficiency.

- Participation in a new research project funded by NRC: Focused on optimizing thermal energy storage for enhanced efficiency.

- Identification of the next HEAT plant: Actively scouting for the next site to implement their innovative solution, further saving wasted energy.

Read more in the article published on the website of ONS

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