Well logging and Geophysics

We uncover what is below

Well logging, well testing and geophysical analysis as seismic and ERT are the core of the toolbox for Ruden's energy projects. These techniques are also offered as services in Ruden Geo Services. Ruden Geo Services has access to a wide range of geophysical techniques, both in-house, and thanks to a large international network of partners.

Contact us if you want more information on how our wide range of geological and geophysical analysis can help you on getting the necessary data and information for your projects.

Summary services
Ruden Geo Services in the news


Seismic On Ice

Seismics On Ice

Enjoy the video showing the beauty of the winter landscape juxtaposed with the skillfull team of Ruden Geo Services at work, thriving in even the most demanding environments, providing clients with data and insights.

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Innovation on water

Ruden Geo Services is always looking for ways to improve and innovate their products. On a project for Statens Vegvesen, Ruden Geo Services tested the possibility to perform seismic reflection on water. This technique is widely used in the Oil & Gas industry, but is still in a research phase on this smaller scale for geotechnical purposes.


Leirvarsling for Norge

Ruden AS har allerede utarbeidet metoder for risikovurderinger før, -under og etter byggestart! Vi håpet vi skulle få god tid til lanseringen, men så inntraff katastrofen. Her er vår løsning til å redusere risikoen for en gjentagelse av Ask/Gjerdrum-raset. Vi kaller det ‘Leirvarslingen’.


Ruden Geo Services partner of SINTEF CO2 Field Lab

Ruden Geo Services participated in SINTEF's CO2 Field Lab, by mudlogging and well logging the 5 wells that make up the CO2 injection test facility.