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Ruden hosts the President of Somalia: A significant visit in Oslo

Last month, we were honored to welcome H.E. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia, his delegation, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ruden Water offices in Oslo for an update on our groundbreaking project on deep groundwater resources in Somalia.

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Ruden received funding from the Norwegian Space Center for a feasibility assessment for climate adaptation of low-lying islands – Remote sensing for hydraulic uplift monitoring.

Every year, The Norwegian Spacecenter (Norsk Romsenter) invites organisations to apply for supplementary funds. This year, 25 organisations received funding, and Ruden is one of them.

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Climate mitigation - Is it possible to lift islands up to make them more resilient against sealevel rise?

Join us in this online seminar, a side-event part of the UN Small Islands Developing States Conference 2024.

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Vitising partners in Kenya and Somalia

The team of Ruden Water is continuing its endeavours to enable more access to water in the Horn of Africa. Recently, Elizabeth and Helene travelled to Nairobi to meet with NOCK (National Oil Corporation of Kenya) and the Ministry of Water of Kenya. They also traveled to Mogadishu in Somalia to discuss the continuation of the Somalia Deep Groundwater Project.

Seismic On Ice

Seismics On Ice

Enjoy the video showing the beauty of the winter landscape juxtaposed with the skillfull team of Ruden Geo Services at work, thriving in even the most demanding environments, providing clients with data and insights.

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World Water Day 2024

The 22nd of March was World Water Day 2024. Every year on the 22nd or March the day is marked to reflect and spur action on the global water crisis. This years theme is "Leveraging Water for Peace". How can we unite around water and use water for peace, laying the foundations of a more stable and prosperous tomorrow?

Fridtjov joined the seminar at the University library of Ås University, to talk about Water, War and Peace.

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ONS Innovation Award: “Winning meant everything”

For a small company with grand visions, winning a prize like we did at ONS 2022 means everything. It confirms that we are on the right path both scientifically and timely. We are still very proud of ourselves and the jury that chose our technology, says Director Helene Ruden of Ruden AS.

Read more in the article published on the website of ONS

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New software for modelling and optimizing energy storage

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Ruden finalist for the Water Changemaker Innovation Awards 2023

Ruden is extremely proud to be amongst the 30 finalists for the Water Changemaker Innovation Awards 2023. Water Changemaker Awards2023 is a global initiative that aims to recognise high-level commitment and leadership for climate resilient water investments and showcase the most promising climate resilient innovations with the greatest potential for scale, replication, and further investment to support a water-secure world.

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Ruden Water's participation at the UN Water Conference 2023

In March, almost 7000 people attended this first global water conference in almost half a century. The conference offered a good opportunity to engage and meet with various stakeholders and to discuss the preliminary results of the deep groundwater mapping in Somalia.


Ruden Water committed to the Water Action Agenda

Today is World Water Day. To recognize the importance of this day Ruden Water committed their commitments to the Water Action Agenda.

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Ruden Water holding a Side Event as part of the UN Water 2023 Conference

How vintage oil & gas data enabled the identification of deep groundwater in Somalia

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Ruden Water signs MoU with NOCK (National Oil Corporation of Kenya)

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Ruden Water present at the Norway, Sweden and Kenya Business Summit in Nairobi

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Ruden Energy and Kvitebjørn Varme win the Urban Energy Innovation price.

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Ruden Water represented at the Zanzibar Water Conference

The Zanzibar Water Conference was held 14 and 15 September - Seeing the unseen: Sustainable management of groundwater resources in a changing climate.

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Ruden wins the ONS Innovation Award 2022

Ruden has been awarded the ONS Innovation Award for their HEAT technology, at the ONS Conference in Stavanger 2022.

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Ruden nominated as one of the 5 finalists for the ONS Innovation Award!

Ruden is nomated as one of the 5 finalists for the ONS Innovation Award with their HEAT concept. The winner of the award will be announced at the ONS conference in Stavanger, the 30th of August.

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Innovation on water

Ruden Geo Services is always looking for ways to improve and innovate their products. On a project for Statens Vegvesen, Ruden Geo Services tested the possibility to perform seismic reflection on water. This technique is widely used in the Oil & Gas industry, but is still in a research phase on this smaller scale for geotechnical purposes.


'The unexpected oil change'

We are honoured by the feature in Aftenposten A-Magasinet last weekend about the Somalia water project and our team. It is motivating us even more when the importance of our work is recognized!

Ruden Water

The world´s greatest challenge

The world needs water now, more than ever. If we don’t act, by 2030, water scarcity will displace between 24 million and 700 million people. Now, more than ever, the world needs us. The world needs the oil industry to take action. Used in a new context, the legacy of earlier surveys for petroleum is shifting the boundaries for groundwater. No other industry is closer to equivalent in relevant competence, resources and capacity. The leap from oil to water is not far, but a new and comprehensive Marshall-plan is needed and will be an aid to self-help in the long term.


Leirvarsling for Norge

Ruden AS har allerede utarbeidet metoder for risikovurderinger før, -under og etter byggestart! Vi håpet vi skulle få god tid til lanseringen, men så inntraff katastrofen. Her er vår løsning til å redusere risikoen for en gjentagelse av Ask/Gjerdrum-raset. Vi kaller det ‘Leirvarslingen’.

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Norwegian technologists and researchers aim to provide water to the entire population of Somalia

Ruden's collaboration with SINTEF is discussed in this article at, a platfrom about scientific news from the NTNU University and SINTEF, Norway's research institute.

Norske teknologer og forskere har et mal om a skaffe vann til hele somalias befolkning

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Ruden Water featured at Ekko at the Norwegian Radio NRK

Ruden water was featured in two episodes of Ekko, an item on the Norwegian radio. A link to the items (in Norwegian) is below:

17. september 2020 - Ekko - NRK Radio

Økern Portal

'Da brønnparken kollapset, fant ingeniørene en langt bedre energi-løsning for Økern Portal'

This article describes how it was planned to provide the energy needs of the Økern Portal building in Oslo with 21 boreholes to 500m depth. During drilling it appeared to be very difficult to drill to these depths and Ruden Energy assisted in finding an alternative and smarter solution. Read about the collaboration of Ruden at the Økern Portal project in this article of Teknisk Ukeblad here (membership required).


How 40 year old information from the oil industry secured water for 2 million people

More than 40 years ago, seismic profiles were shot in connection with oil exploration along the coast of Tanzania, partly funded by Norwegian assistance programs. No oil was discovered at that time, and the information was shelved. 40 years later we discovered the structures that made it possible to recommend drilling for water.

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3000 water industry representatives and experts meet at the biggest water congress in Africa

In February 2020, Ruden Water was participating at the 20th African Water Association international congress - AfWA, in Kampala, Uganda, presenting "Bridging oil and water sectors: Search Model for deep aquifers along passive margins".

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‘I’ve never seen such clean water’

Ruden Water was featured in the Norwegian newspaper Finansavisen, in an article describing investors in Norway that find ways to make money with water.

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Strengthening the collaboration with Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM).

During the 3rd week of January, a delegation from Ruden Water paid a visit to Nairobi in Kenya. Here, Ruden met with SWALIM (Somalia Water and Land Information Management) to discuss the deep groundwater project in Somalia, share information and decide on collaboration between the two parties on the project. Ruden also visited the Norwegian Embassy, the project holder, to discuss the project progress.


‘NATO’s bombing of Libya’s oil infrastructure destroyed the world’s largest groundwater reserves on land.'

Fridtjov Ruden was featured in the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen, Discussing the devastating effects of NATO's bombing on the groundwater reserves in Libya.


Ruden Energy awarded research grant from the Norwegian Research Council

Ruden AS Geo Solutions has been awarded a research grant through the EnergiX program “Innovation Projects for the Industrial Sector and Commercialisation Projects” from the Research Council of Norway.


Ruden Geo Services partner of SINTEF CO2 Field Lab

Ruden Geo Services participated in SINTEF's CO2 Field Lab, by mudlogging and well logging the 5 wells that make up the CO2 injection test facility.


'Prakteksempel': Subsurface storage of Kvitebjørns waste heat

Kvitebjørn Varme in Tromsø received NOK 91 million from Enova to fulfill the desire to supply the whole of Tromsøya with district heating. Ruden Energy plays a central part of the solution, developing heat storage in 300m deep wells, that allow heat produced in the summer to be utilized on the coldest days of the year.