‘I’ve never seen such clean water’

Ruden Water was featured in the Norwegian newspaper Finansavisen, in an article describing investors in Norway that find ways to make money with water.

'At Magerøya in Nordkapp municipality, a hydrogeologist had to tear his hair over what he saw and the measurements he did.'

‘I've never seen such clean water’, says Fridtjov Ruden.

‘We know water, and we are good at finding good water sources’, says Ruden. The previous project in East Africa ended with the company finding spring water with a capacity to supply one and a half million subscribers. Now they are looking in Somalia but have also looked for good sources at home in Norway'.

‘Almost all water projects in Norway start fairly randomly. We would assume a purely geological basis. otherwise it should have top quality, there should be no possibility of pollution, and the water had to be artesian. That is, water that comes up to the surface by itself because the pressure is higher in the subsurface.
‘Not only is it fascinating to look at. It also prevents water from being contaminated by rainwater or other external influences. If you have to pump out the water there is a completely different category of water source. Many commercial water sources in Norway are more about marketing than geology’ Ruden claims.

On Magerøya he found two sources, one in the east and one in the west. Low mineral content, a rock containing quartz, a water temperature just above freezing point and pristine surroundings are given as reasons for the good water quality.

'Look for cleaner water'.

There was also another thing that caused the pane to tear at her hair. From the two sources, 10 million liters of water a day flow out into the Barents Sea.

‘An exceptional amount. It provides a good foundation for commercial activities. The springs are 15 kilometers from the North Cape Plateau, which is visited by half a million tourists each year. There are wonderful opportunities to get this water marketed’.

The company Nordkapp Vann has started work on securing the rights to the water sources and getting investors on the team.

‘I hope someone sees the potential in this’, says entrepreneur and owner Ørjan Johansen.”

Find the original article in Norwegian here:


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