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Climate resilience and Food security

Water first

Ruden Water’s mission is to enable the access and use of conventional and unconventional water resources, to ultimately enhance climate resilience and improve food security. While more and more countries are experiencing drought and water shortages, several of these countries have suitable hydrogeological settings to hold large amounts of low-salinity water in deep aquifers.

Ruden Water has over 40 years of experience with water exploration. Its roots lie in humanitarian and development water projects in Africa and other places in the world. We are recognized as a science and technology driven company with a dose of idealism, today working on water projects in all sizes from local to national scale.

In 2023 we established the Sustainable Deep Groundwater Foundation to create a more comprehensive multipartner framework for sustainable development of water projects.

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Learn more about our previous and ongoing projects


Ruden Water in the news


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Ruden hosts the President of Somalia: A significant visit in Oslo

Last month, we were honored to welcome H.E. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia, his delegation, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ruden Water offices in Oslo for an update on our groundbreaking project on deep groundwater resources in Somalia.

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Ruden received funding from the Norwegian Space Center for a feasibility assessment for climate adaptation of low-lying islands – Remote sensing for hydraulic uplift monitoring.

Every year, The Norwegian Spacecenter (Norsk Romsenter) invites organisations to apply for supplementary funds. This year, 25 organisations received funding, and Ruden is one of them.

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Climate mitigation - Is it possible to lift islands up to make them more resilient against sealevel rise?

Join us in this online seminar, a side-event part of the UN Small Islands Developing States Conference 2024.

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Vitising partners in Kenya and Somalia

The team of Ruden Water is continuing its endeavours to enable more access to water in the Horn of Africa. Recently, Elizabeth and Helene travelled to Nairobi to meet with NOCK (National Oil Corporation of Kenya) and the Ministry of Water of Kenya. They also traveled to Mogadishu in Somalia to discuss the continuation of the Somalia Deep Groundwater Project.

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World Water Day 2024

The 22nd of March was World Water Day 2024. Every year on the 22nd or March the day is marked to reflect and spur action on the global water crisis. This years theme is "Leveraging Water for Peace". How can we unite around water and use water for peace, laying the foundations of a more stable and prosperous tomorrow?

Fridtjov joined the seminar at the University library of Ås University, to talk about Water, War and Peace.

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Ruden finalist for the Water Changemaker Innovation Awards 2023

Ruden is extremely proud to be amongst the 30 finalists for the Water Changemaker Innovation Awards 2023. Water Changemaker Awards2023 is a global initiative that aims to recognise high-level commitment and leadership for climate resilient water investments and showcase the most promising climate resilient innovations with the greatest potential for scale, replication, and further investment to support a water-secure world.